Musicians Local 404

Here's another new tune written for the Theme Music songwriting group on Facebook. The theme this week was "groups of people," and for some reason I got to thinking back about a building I would pass from time to time in Indianapolis at the corner of Delaware and Vermont near downtown with a big sign out front that said "Indianapolis Musicians Local No.3 A.F. of M." In my time up in Indianapolis I always wanted to go inside and check it out, but I never did.

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So, I decided to give that sign a little twist, bring it home to Atlanta and I added the 404 area code to the title to give it a place for those that recognise it, without calling out Atlanta by name. It's a quiet little number with fireworks in the video. Hope you enjoy it.

Musicians Local 404

Sitting on roofs in the afternoon
Smoking cigarettes and smiling down at you, on you
They all want to know your name
But we’re quiet just the same

We play our part most every day
Something memorized, sometimes we stray away
Stuck in cars in the evening light
Hearing melodies from the traffic in the night, we might
Write a song and nothing more
Musicians Local 404

Early evening, take the stage
Hoping to see you for a moment in the haze
But the night is comes and goes
Smell of smoke on all our clothes
Unload our stuff out of the door
Musicians Local 404

Now off to sleep
To sleep so deep
To dream of you
A dream so true 

So I’ll write a song and nothing more
Spread out some papers on the floor
Hoping to see you at my door
Musicians Local 404
