Ann Arbor, MI
Dressing room selfie
Last night we stayed at Joel's awesome little town, Marshall, MI. A great spot with tons of cute little houses and a downtown lined with American flags and smiling faces.
We rolled into Ann Arbor got set up and then checked out a few record stores and clothing shops before sound check. The venue, Power Center for the Performing Arts was an amazing venue with late-60s concrete bunker architecture and beautiful sound. Our set went really well, you could hear a pin drop while we played and the crowd really seemed to hang on out every note. Unreal.
The Indigo Girls played a long set of favorites and newer tunes and they had the crowd dancing in the isles by the time we rushed the stage to sing Closer to Fine with them.
After the show the girls talked to Kim and were so complimentnary of the band. This whole thing is surreal. Today we head to Cleveland!
The Power Center
The Indigo Girls