
For some reason I've been thinking back on the pets in my life this week.

We had a dog named "Poot" when my parents were still married and living in Miami. Part poodle, part terrier. He was awesome.

After they divorced my Dad got me a new dog when I was in L.A. for Summer visitation. I think he hoped that that would make me want to live with him full time, but being a kid I didn't understand any of the dynamics of the situation. I was just glad to be with him and SUPER excited to meet the new doggo.

I loved him instantly and we were inseparable. It was heartbreaking to leave. I cried. I always did anyway. Still, I would see him at Christmas for a few weeks and we'd be reunited and I couldn't wait!

Once I got there my Dad told me that he got rid of the dog. It was too much for him to take care of by himself. I was devastated.

This week I was thinking back about him and I could not remember his name. I nearly had a panic attack about it. How could I not remember his name?

Knowing I had some pictures of him on my computer I pulled them up and instantly teared up.

His name was "Fang" and he was a very good boy.